Helping Utah Manufacturers Grow and Thrive

Recession Resources

Utah-MEP is dedicated solely to the success of Utah Manufacturers, providing outreach, value-added training, education, workforce development, certifications, and needs-driven services.

Boost Your Manufacturing Capabilities in 3 Short Steps

1. How can we reach you?

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2. How can we help?

Please select the resources of interest below so we can email you specific information.
2. How can we help?

3. Submit


Plan for Growth and Prepare for the Future

When you work with Utah-MEP, you get access to knowledgeable professionals who have worked with hundreds of Utah manufacturers to improve their businesses. By creating a personalized strategy that plans for growth and allows you to thrive in hard times, you can become more focused on innovative solutions that produce better results and more satisfied employees.

Let the Numbers Speak

Increased and retained sales
Jobs created and retained
In new investments
Cost savings